Wednesday, May 21, 2008

When did it become 'normal' for Americans to take 10 to 15 medications per day?

Do those commercials about different drugs and their side effects bother anyone else? "May cause dizziness, fatigue or in rare cases death. So just how does one know if they happen to be one of the rare cases? Some of the 'possible side effects' lists are so long I think to myself, my gosh, they have got to be kidding!
But everyday Americans are taking more and more of these drugs to treat symptoms and illnesses that could be treated by lifestyle changes. i. e consuming health building food, learning to manage stress and building some exercise into one's routine.

When did it become 'normal' for Americans to take 10 to 15 medications everyday? Why are Physicians prescribing at such an alarming rate? Does it have anything to do with Marketing and Money? Are we getting the truth here?

You owe it to your health to do a little research. Check out what Dr. McDougall says at Start with a search on statins. But caution, it may result in real and lasting health changes, and in almost all cases renewed energy and vitality!

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